Various touchscreen settings & adjustments can be configured to suit the environment.
InfoSOSA BUILDER is a dev-software for touchscreen UI with a simple user interface. The workspace is designed to make projects easy to understand & screen data can be easily created by simply pasting parts. you can further enhance your work environment by connecting with dedicated API & generic apps.
Software calibration compensates for touch response discrepanciesOver time, use or some other cause may result in a discrepancy between the touch position and the response position. In such cases, the touch position can be adjusted to compensate. Adjustments can be made using the four corners of the screen for a four-point adjustment or a more detailed nine-point adjustment.
Touch input settings for configuring input response behaviour and timing.It is possible to set the reaction behaviour settings for clicking when touched or when released, the time to delay the input reaction, disable the input, invert the input coordinates and other touch reactions that can be set in detail to suit the operating environment. It is possible to.
Edge-face settings to make it easier to display settings and hidden items at the edge of the screen.You can increase or decrease the amount the cursor moves when it approaches the edge of the screen. This is effective, for example, when the taskbar is set to be automatically hidden and the cursor is moved to make the taskbar visible.
Setting the reaction behaviour and timing of the Touch sound settingsYou can set a duration for the touch sound operation, timing and frequency of the currently selected driver. You can play a hardware playback sound on the motherboard, a software playback sound through the speakers or a specified sound file.
Right-click settings in operation during touch inputRight-click behaviour can be set for touch input. You can input a right-click by holding down the touch for a long time or by touching with multiple fingers on a touch screen that supports two-point touch. You can also set the long press duration and range.
Hardware Settings for adjusting the various responses of the touchscreenOffset calibration for capacitive touchscreens, output rate setting for resistive single-touch touchscreens and gesture correction for gesture operation response adjustment on resistive multi-touch touchscreens can be performed.
Monitor Settings for a dual display environmentMonitor configuration can be performed in a dual display environment. (A keyboard is required for monitor configuration.) The monitor associated with the selected driver becomes active and the driver ID is displayed.