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Product End-of-life Notification: Touch Controller Cable [CB series]


This is to announce that we will change the printed circuit board (PCB) of resistive touch controllers due to discontinuation of the current PCB.

  • End-of-life Product

    Product:Touch controller cable [CB series]
    Product No.:CB-SXC00, CB-SXR00, CB-SXU00

  • Reason

    Among our product lineup, all the touch controller products compatible with these cables will be discontinued.

    Discontinued touch controller products compatible with CB cables:

    EXC7200 Series → Already discontinued as of the final shipment date, Friday, December 8, 2023.
    ESCAP7000 → Scheduled to be discontinued as of the final shipment date, Friday, April 18, 2025.

  • Successor Product


  • End-of-life Schedule

    Last Order Date: November 29, 2024 (Fri)
    Last Shipment Date: April 18, 2025 (Fri)

Please note that due to procurement conditions, we may not be able to supply the desired quantity. We appreciate your understanding.

We apologize for any inconvenience this announcement may cause and kindly ask for your understanding and continued support.